
william s. burroughs @ october gallery

6 march - 5 april 2025

October Gallery

"October Gallery presents William S. Burroughs, a solo exhibition of rarely seen works which features paintings and drawings created from a variety of materials. From spray paint, ink and acrylic to markers and gunshots, Burroughs' art is an expedition, identifying portals to unknown worlds and intelligences. His way of seeing is as a creative observer of states of mind. “The pictures constantly change because you are drawn into time travel on a network of associations.” For Burroughs, everything is alive, and his artwork explores this idea, as he did through words in his genre-bending writings. He belongs to no school of art; what he paints expands on the work he has developed throughout his career, in words, multimedia experiments and image-making"... [continue reading : octobergallery.co.uk]

Alchemical Laboratory, 1989

Untitled, 1990

Warhol, A Portrait in TV Dots..., 1992

Warhol, A Portrait in TV Dots..., 1992