
Signs of life of signs / differx. 2013

(some notes from an e-mail to Tim Gaze, Sept., 2013)

Maybe (linear or nonlinear) “experimental writing” and “visual poetry” are simply first definitions of the vast living environment of works made by the worldwide community of people involved in asemic (and so pansemic) writing and in the making of abstract stuff.

And: about the words “writing” and “abstract” —maybe they’re narrow definitions of areas of signs. A suitable term could be “sign” indeed.

The life of signs is perhaps the ‘thing’ we try to deal with. A “sign” is an entity which, in itself, does not have an actual “itself”. It absolutely conveys something else. It’s not narrow, it’s an arrow. It’s a non-”quid” referred/referring to some (other) “quid”. And so: the reference or transfer or passage may be somehow / somewhere broken. And this fact is the alpha in “a”/semic. 

[And —at the same time— any “alpha” is a “pan”: any limit is also a secondary path or crack, a way for widening the view]

The incomplete or complete rupture or fracture of a (still presumable) transitive line (of the transmission of meaning) makes us call the sign an “intransitive” one. Or a “partially transitive” one.

For example: a signal or warning, on an unknown road and land, telling us something we don’t catch at all. A flashing light. We stare at its colours, but we can’t translate them into some kind of knowledge about an actual situation we ought to react to. By the way, we’re mesmerized by its effort in telling us something (or —better— its clear effort to move an unclear cloud of meaning[s] from A to B). We miss the point; still we go on staring at some vague (say abstract) point.

Shadows show something we don’t catch; still we cannot stop watching, and we don’t.

[This is the “alpha” turning into “pan”].

We’re almost 4 thousand years far from the birth of writing, but the written signs & glyphs & traces in caves are definitely older. So much older. In “Caves of Forgotten Dreams” Werner Herzog shows us the (partially intransitive) signs of men who lived 30,000 years ago. It’s not “writing”, it’s (perhaps) carving / painting signs. Figures.

Now we try to go very far —back into the past: pitch black.

In a time where not only the human race but the very beginning of life itself had not yet appeared on our planet. Fragments/crystals of zircon (here a pic from a documentary: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eu16701JhOo) found in West-Australian rocks dating back to 4.4 billion years ago seem to reveal the presence of water on Earth in an incredibly early stage of its history: and we may consider these crystals and fragments as “signs” (of/from the ur-environment): partially transitive ones, made not by human hand, but by nature —Earth— itself. (Signs addressed to no one, to no one’s eye)


Volodymyr Bilyk

Letter-Carnage on names of The Beatles and associates and George Best ('cause Vinnie Jones sucks)

George Best

George Harrison

John Lennon

Paul McCartney

Pete Best

Ringo Starr

Stuart Sutcliff

feuilleton altra storia figurarsi finnegan

fu che sara' stata altra storia del'offerta primaverile dei capezzoli sotto la seta compiti da correggere e tediose riunioni ___________in Pound e' modernista il progetto non l'oggeto testuale Cantos che e' fuori dal paradigma,figurarsi Finnegan__________________ne' d'altra parte la decostruzione artaudiana della story e del'historia effettuata nel He'liogabale che Galvano tradusse per i tipi di Adelphi e' da meno


trattandosi di forme brevi e cd frammenti,trattato di araldica letteraria

guarisce dal tempo,che e' tutto cio' che finisce,artificio narrativo per il club dei piccoli lettori,entro un perpetuo surclassamento dei generi,,in una forma che delina,celebra e glorifica la felicita' di decrescere per mezzo di una novella che dissipa le noie ed i malumori,quanti concetti,pure metafisici in una sola parola! e quanti sistemi innumerabili in una singola frase che contie
ne interi libri a confronto di libri che non ne contengono nemmeno una______________________________conceptual writing,magari,fosse pure solo ad eludere mimesi,sartrismi e generalismi_________________immanenze trascendentali,istruzioni per l'allegria,quante miglia per arrivare a babilonia?ci saremo stasera,mediante finnegan


somasundara (provv.)

bois ton sang chinnamasta beaumanoir,go-mata,le mucche pazze di carolrama ,frattalizzate da ruggiero maggi,incorporano dei e dee,narrate without editing it serpenti cobra dalle cinque teste ingemmate superiori ad ogni fato,ale' tutti in pizzeria,la mangusta rikkitikkitavi sputa pietre preziose pacifiche,libere,indifferenti a tutto nel giro del (mio) mondo ostacoli rimossi,spazzati via,addentro a segreti e tesori delle termiti,dentro le nere inferriate della gabbia la dea della miseria,invece l'elefante versa una brocca d'acqua l'uomo diventa un dio i simulacri divinita',wordlmaking,na devo devam arkajet,il terzo occhio,il trimundio in cenere,cosi' il destino,l'amore e la morte,nel tempo che e' tutto cio' che finisce nulla rimane ma che fai tu luna  coelo deducta,somasundara